• Lessons take place on a zoom platform
  • Our lessons once or twice a week
  • Groups are up to a maximum of 4 children in the language group and up to 6 children in other classes (4 years - 99 years of age)
  • Groups are formed after evaluating the child's age and language level
  • The first lesson is free
  • Monthly cost is $60 CAD for lessons that take place once a week
  • 20% discount is offered for the second child and 30% discount for the third child in the family
  • In each group, we focus on positive feelings, friendship, and communication

We aim to bring together Tatar children who are scattered all over the world to become friends and communicate with each other in the Tatar language.


First steps for Learners of the Tatar Language as a Foreign Language:

  • Listening and understanding the melody of the Tatar language
  • Enlarging vocabulary
  • Learning to build simple sentence

 Adimnar for the students who understand but do not speak Tatar

  • Reading and writing in Tatar
  • Increasing their vocabulary
  • Using complete sentences, dialogues
  • Getting acquainted with Tatar writers, poets, folklore

Asillar for Tatar-speaking Groups

(Students who use the Tatar Language in their everyday life):

  • Improvement of their reading techniques
  • A deeper acquaintance with Tatar literature
  • Discussion of  interesting topics
  • Writing of the first texts


  • Read works of classical and modern Tatar writers (Classic and current Tatar  literature)
  • Hold discussions
  • Hold meetings with authors and experts
  •  Provide early childhood education to their children using our mother tongue
  •  Increase the child’s vocabulary
  • Increase the child’s knowledge of the environment
  • Enrich  the mother’s own spoken language
  • Get tips on raising their child
  • Provide and train mothers to play finger games, sing educational songs, learn poems, and folk poetry

   logic, mathematics, programming in the Tatar Language.

  •     Discrete mathematics
  •     Mathematics for Olympiads
  •     Mathematics
  •     Algorithms
  •     Code writing, programming for industry
  •     Informatics for Olympiads

Where these skills may be useful:

  •     Informatics Olympiads
  •     Mathematics Olympiads
  •     In the future in areas of Mathematics / computer science at the University
  •     In the work of a programmer
  •     Science
  •     Anywhere else (navigation, cryptography, optimization, price theory, combinatorics, etc.).

Studens are invited to think in abstract, intelligent, original ways.

We study the origin and formation of Tatars as a people in Tatar, English and  in Russian 

  • Why we need to study history?
  • Statehood
  • Main historical dates
  • Tatar famous persons (writers, scientists, historical persons)
  • Tatarstan


  • Conduct various creative master classes in the Tatar language
  • Increase vocabulary, consolidate in language lessons
  • Make national handmade creative handicrafts
  • Develop children’s creativity
  • Encourage children to create their own master classes and present them to their



  • Students learn typical Tatar handicrafts in a warm, supporting environment.
  • Get acquainted with national ornaments in various presentations
  • Acquire the ability to work with different tools, different techniques
  • Learn how to paint beautiful pictures, create their own ideas, learn colour
  • We organize thematic, inspiring meetings which promote the national spirit for children
  •   We allow students to meet and communicate with intelligent and interesting Tatar personalities
  •   We explore the interests of the child in detail and introduce the Tatar “star” student in their area
  •   We set up interviews with foreigners who speak Tatar fluently
  •     Tatar language speech therapist offers infant speech therapy (ages 0-3) – this is aimed at studying, preventing and correcting deviations in children’s speech until the age of 3
  •     preschool speech therapy (ages 3-7) is offered – aimed at studying, correcting and preventing speech defects in preschool children;
  •     school speech therapy – aimed at exploring, correcting and preventing speech and written language defects in schoolchildren
  • adult speech therapy deals with speech problems which result from an illness during adulthood
  •  Help to develop drawing skills in Tatar
  •  Help increase Tatar vocabulary
  •  Include national decorations in drawings
  •  Develop children’s creativity
  •  Familiarize students with different techniques