A children’s Tatar camp might sometimes sound simple and ordinary!
But in reality, we would like to emphasize the importance of this event and our achievement!🙏
Let’s look at what we have accomplished together with you, with parents, and with teachers this year ❤️
There were a total of 50 participants. This is an incredible number for North America




mixed-age children groups


a parents’ group called “Bätäsh
And our Tatar youths truly transformed into counselors! This is not an exaggeration; NOW we have our own team of counselors for the groups next year.
The most important result was the unification of Tatars. The camp included Tatars from different waves of migration, with varying levels of language proficiency, and from different countries. The main achievement can be considered that children, teenagers, and adultsfelt a sense of belonging to Their Tatar identity.

I find my tribe! 🧡

said the adults

I feel myself in a Tatar bubble of love and acceptance. I am so proud to be a Tatar!

said the children
Of course, we dream of more; we would love for our students who study in European countries to also participate in Tatar Alan during the summer. We dream of summer LANGUAGE AND HISTORY camps like those organized by the Finnish Tatars, and we will strive to achieve this.
In our first Tatar camp we were able to create an educational environment:
Lectures, lessons, and masterclasses made up the schedule of each day of Tatar Alan participants. 
🪨 Geology
⚡️Renewable Energy
🌿 Ecology
🧪 Chemistry
🔒 Cyber security
📜 Tatar History
⚜️ Moñ and uniqueness of Tatar national music
🌪️ Demo of cloud atack 
🐲 National Fairy Tales and Their Influence on the Subconscious
💄 Makeup
In addition to the lectures, there were daily masterclasses on:
🧘 Yoga
🥋 Jiu-Jitsu
🎤 Singing
🎭 Theater
🧑‍🎨 Creativity
🪡 Embroidery and National Crafts
Daily lessons on
📿 Ahlyak
📚 Tatar Language
One of the missions of our academy and, accordingly, our camp is to pass on to the children the essence of what Tatars can be proud of — Tatars have always been bearers of knowledge, the most knowledgeable among the northern Muslim peoples. The network that formed between university graduates, scientists from laboratories, and research specialists is invaluable because our children saw what respectable members of the Tatar community they are!
These are not just grand words; it’s truly the case. We didn’t select children based on any criteria, but all participants, guests, and lecturers noted the high level of education and upbringing of the children! We are so proud of you.
Only one day was left unscheduled for the children to decide how they wanted to spend i – what we called “Yes Day”. Are you curious about what the children chose?
  • Parents and teachers prepared “ochpocmak” (a traditional Tatar dish)
  • The children went again to the beach
  • They filmed and edited a movie
  • In the evening, with popcorn, they had the first screening of the movie.
Do you want to watch “Tatar Film”?
In the beautiful Laurentian Mountains of Canada, there is a wonderful forest with its guardian, Tungo! Tungo protects nature: the springs, forests, and animals. At the camp, we were lucky to take part in a night walk through such a forest, of which there are not many around the world. In Canada alone, there are 9, 4 in the United States, 2 in France, and 5 in Asia. Each Lumina Night Walk is a luminous journey that reveals the exceptional beauty of a natural site. Thanks to seamlessly integrated multimedia elements, visitors of all ages are immersed in a world of fantasy and emotion.
But for us Tatars, we didn’t need to dive too deeply into the fantasy; we immediately called it our own Tatar Shurale, the guardian of the forest. It’s wonderfully pleasant and valuable to find similarities with other peoples and cultures despite all our differences.
The theme of environmental protection is very, very relevant in Canada. What the Tatar children noticed and remembered about Canada and its nature:
In our beautiful home in the forest, we weren’t allowed to make noise! Honestly, even during our Sabantuy, we were asked to keep it down. Why? Because we were disrupting the harmony of natural sounds and rhythms.
Before using a kayak, boat, or even paddleboard, we had to wash it and not use it in other lakes! Because each body of water has its own microorganisms, and it’s important not to transfer them.
Canada is very, very green and French. Some children thought that this attitude toward nature among Canadians comes from the French.
It was amazing to see how the children from America were puzzled, while the children from Canada couldn’t understand the confusion and eagerly explained why things are done this way.
A wonderful example of mutual enrichment and self-education! Don’t you think?
Do you also want to visit the next camp?
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